Carry Your Love to the World

A Practical Guide to Changing the World through Love

The release of my first book in 2022 garnered much interest as people searched for tangible ways to change our world for good. Available on Amazon as a paperback or on Kindle, it's even more relevant today than it was when first published. Please consider it for your next read!

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What began as a song, Carry Your Love to The World, became a study of the cycles of change centered around four paintings depicting the verses of the song. The book can be used as an individual or group study or simply as a nice browse through paintings, inspirational quotes, and stimulating discussions. 

The paperback edition is most helpful as it provides space for answering questions and jotting notes. But I must say that the e-book is pretty cute, especially with Kindle for iPad where you will enjoy the vivid, colorful paintings!

~ Tom


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