
Showing posts from December, 2021

The Welcoming Bench

"The Welcoming Bench" reminds us to be charitable, gracious, compassionate and loving. Painted with acrylics on a 12x12" canvas .  

A Celtic Cross

This little painting was a gift to my friend and Pastor, Brad Highum. I knew of his fondness for all things Celtic so I chose the subject and inspirational quote with that in mind. His response makes me realize how important it is to take care in choosing what to paint.  " A foundational truth from a teacher I revere … a style of cross that speaks to me of the deepest levels of contemplative spirituality … a vibrance of color and light that conjures images of Iona … all the meaning of doorways and thresholds … the wonder of personal artistic expression, which is one of the greatest gifts one can give to another …"